Friday, April 22, 2016

Whole30 Day Twenty-six

  • Breakfast was three ghee-fried eggs, half an avocado, a quarter of the "bulb" of a butternut squash, and the last of the pan-wilted arugula.
  • PreWO - 11 almonds, but I was tired and hungry, so I decided not to work out.
  • Lunch was two hard boiled eggs and spaghetti squash with red sauce from last night.
I'm having cravings and feelings like I want to quit, but at this point, but I don't really want to. I'm almost done - only 4 days left! - after all! I think I'm getting tired of eating All. The. Eggs, or maybe it's a side effect of accidentally having cheese or the raisins (on purpose) before bed last night.
  • I kept snacking  - handful of almonds, then several handfuls of cashews before I picked up Leela, and about halfway home, my stomach was feeling awful. I didn't eat any dinner, I just tried to drink water to make my stomach pains go away.
Overall not a very good day.

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