Sunday, April 10, 2016

Whole30 Day Thirteen

  • Breakfast - three ghee-fried eggs, last of asparagus from a couple days ago, half a sweet potato, half an avocado.
  • PreWO - small handful of almonds.
  • PostWO/Lunch - hard boiled egg white, 3 FBLT roll ups with may, another (whole) hard-boiled egg with mayo, 3 dried figs, 1/4 acorn squash from last night.
  • I was going to make zucchini fritters for dinner, but opted for easier BFD(breakfast for dinner).  We had scrambled eggs, I had kale and some warmed up roasted veggies. Potato patties and veggie sausage for Leela and Ebon.  I'll make the fritters this weekend sometime.
I was a bit tired/sore from yesterday's great work out, and I'm attributing it to not enough protein yesterday. Otherwise I feel pretty good today. I still am craving sweets a bit, which means I probably need to kick my dried fruit habit/snacks!

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