Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Whole30 Day Nine

  • Breakfast was the last of the ratatouille, garlicky kale, three fried eggs (fried in ghee!), and half an avocado. Leela had a very hard time at breakfast after I offered her three types of eggs, decided on yogurt and ate about half the container - sigh.
  • Lunch was the carrot ginger soup with a handful of flaked coconut on top, one of Leela's rejected fried egg and a hard boiled egg, and two thirds of a banana. I'm missing a green veggie, we'll see how that pans out later on.
  • Snacked on a handful of almonds shortly after lunch - whoops.
  • Dinner tonight was stir fry with lots of mung sprouts! I added in a carrot, a yellow pepper, ginger, garlic, and green onions with sesame oil and coconut aminos. It tasted good! I added a big handful of olives from a jar, which weren't all that good. The olives form the olive bar are so much better. I need to get more of those, or I wish we lived closer to Watertown and Arax market with all their lovely olives!
To do tonight - roast sweet potatoes, so I have them for the rest of the week. Make the "bacon" shitakes, Maybe shred the zucchini for Thur?

I feel so crampy and crappy today, boo. All I wanted today was cookies and ice cream. All the chips and granola bars were staring me in the face. I didn't give in though.

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