Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Whole30 Day Thirty!

  • I was trying to avoid eggs and ghee this morning, so I didn't have fried eggs per usual. Instead, I had the last of the roasted veggies, half a sweet potato, a potato, some grape tomatoes, half an avocado, and I slipped up on the egg thing by using some may to dip my roasted veggies. I clearly wasn't thinking well.
  • I wasn't hungry for lunch, and the stomach was still a bit unsettled, so I had a handful of almonds and some fruit (strawberries and orange).
  • Dinner was pizza from Flatbreads. I decided I need to get back to "normal" eating as much as possible to get myself back on track.
I still feel yucky and food doesn't taste very good. This is not how I wanted to end up at the end of this experiment.

On the weight-loss side of things, I did manage to lose 9 lbs (post weigh in was 148.0 lbs). My clothes fit better, which I'm very happy about. I had to get a smaller bra - though most of that was due to being done with nursing and the girls finally coming to a "resting" state.

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