Friday, April 1, 2016

Whole30 Day Six

  • Breakfast was three eggs fried, garlicky kale, half a red pepper this time, and half an avocado. I've also been eating the eggs with Tabasco sauce.
  • Lunch was two hard boiled eggs with hot sauce, leftover spaghetti squash and sauce with the last two "meat" balls, a handful of olives, and green beans with red and yellow peppers from lunch provided at work (one of two things that were compliant, the other being a green salad).
  • I had a handful of almonds as a preWO snack, not realizing I had a lunch meeting and wasn't actually able to go work out. I think I'll run tomorrow morning - to yoga in Inman Sq and back.
  • Handful of cashews while cooking dinner (oops).
  • Dinner was ginger carrot soup from here. I used coconut oil as the cooking fat and used veg broth and water for the liquid. I thought I might like it a bit more ginger-y. I also had egg salad lettuce wraps with tomato using the mayo I made the other day. Good dinner! 
Tomorrow I think we need to clean out the fridge, though I was trying to do some meal planning. Sunday Ebon and I finally get a date night out! I picked a restaurant with a few compliant options, more on that later.

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