Sunday, April 24, 2016

Whole30 Day Twenty-seven

I'm hoping for a better day today food and health-wise. I woke up feeling pretty good, but had a bit of an unsettled stomach by mid-morning. I had more tea and water to attempt to help that.
  • Breakfast was three ghee-fried eggs, half an avocado and a quarter of the "bulb" of a butternut squash. I'm missing a green veggie, but we'll see how that goes/how and when I'll get hungry.
  • I skipped working out today because I didn't have lunch prepared. I opted for the salad bar at Stop & Shop. I had a great big salad with as many veggies as I could fit - spinach, frise' mix, grape tomatoes, olives, broccoli, carrots, cucumbers, a little bit of a kale mix, and some pepitas.  I dressed it with olive oil and red wine vinegar. I threw on two hard boiled eggs and dipped some of the veggies in guacamole that I bought. I initially looked for a ripe avocado, but they were all hard. Strawberries were on sale, so I had a few of those too. This was a good green lunch! I think I've been missing that in my meals lately, and that may have contributed to my episode yesterday.
  • Dinner was very similar to what I had for breakfast. Two fried eggs, sweet potato and steamed broccoli.

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