Sunday, April 24, 2016

Whole30 Day Twenty-eight and Twenty-nine

  • Breakfast was three ghee-fried eggs, half sweet potato, half avocado, 
  • I skipped Lunch because my stomach hurt and I felt nauseous.
  • Ebon caught a fish, so Dinner was pan-fried trout, and roasted veggies with homemade mayo. I felt a bit better.

  • Breakfast was three ghee-fried eggs, half sweet potato, half avocado. I suspected the ghee to be the cause of my issues, so I skipped the kale I cooked up in ghee.
  • Lunch was scrambled eggs, olives, and leftover roasted veggies.
  • Dinner was mint tea because my stomach was so unsettled again.
Even with only one day left, I'm going to bow out because I don't think I can take another day feeling the way I do. It sucks so bad, and that I'm doing it on my own accord, just seems silly.
Unless I can figure out a ghee-less, egg-less breakfast, I'm ending this experiment at day 29.

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