Friday, April 8, 2016

Whole30 Day Twelve

  • Breakfast - three ghee-fried eggs plus a couple bites from Leela's egg, garlicky greens, half a sweet potato, half an avocado.
  • PreWO was a small hanful of almonds.
  • Lunch was last of the stuffed peppers and mung bean stir-fry with half an avocado, some pineapple, and grapes.
  • I had two dried figs before leaving work as a snack to tide me over for dinner.
  • Dinner was finally trying out the F(ake)BLT lettuce wraps from this recipe. I also had some acorn squash that I tried to emulate a Martha Stewart Recipe Roasted Acorn Squash, Shallots, and Rosemary, but my method was a bit different and I forgot the rosemary. I didn't like the end result all that well, so that was a bit of a bust/fail. I was the only one that ate this, even though Ebon picked at the "bacon" and ate a few bites of that and the tomatoes. I liked the FBLT roll ups and also slathered some of the mayo on the lettuce leaf before rolling up. I probably should have had a hard boiled egg or two, but I ended up being pretty full after three wraps. Getting this ready, it was a huge help that I had cooked everything before-hand - crisping up the shitakes and roasting the squash. It only took about 20-25 min for everything to be heated up. Advanced preparation - whoda thunk it?! If only I got Friday's dinner prepped before...
Today was a much better day for me mentally. My workout went really well and I wasn't "dreaming" of sweets.

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