Saturday, April 2, 2016

Whole30 Day Seven

Trying to clear out the fridge today!
  • Breakfast was three eggs fried, garlicky kale, 1/3 or half a sweet potato, and half an avocado.
  • Leela and I did a lot of walking in the morning so I was ready for lunch a little early, but didn't have any snacks before. I ate egg salad lettuce wraps with leftover curried veggies and two cherry tomatoes.
  • Snack was a handful of pistachios and some grapes.
  • Dinner was two hard boiled eggs, leftover curried veggies, cucumber, olives, a side salad from Ebon's order from Mike's pizza, a (too?) large handful of cashews, I had some pineapple and half a mug of warm apple cider too.
I felt pretty good today. Good energy for walking, though I did take a nap when Leela did. I will make ghee tomorrow. I will make it my mission!

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