Thursday, April 14, 2016

Whole30 Day Eighteen

  • Breakfast was three ghee-fried eggs, half an avocado, kale, and half a sweet potato.
  • PreWO snack was 9 almonds
  • Lunch was leftover fajita veggies and lettuce, frittata, three mini bananas, and a handful of pepitas.
  • I attempted to make curried spaghetti squash for dinner, but last night I roasted the squash a bit too long, so everything pretty much turned to mush. I used this recipe as inspiration, but added half an onion and a small head of broccoli and chopped up a date for sweetness in place of the honey. I really liked the flavors and want to try this again once I improve my spaghetti squash roasting technique. I had two hard boiled eggs for protein and threw in a handful of coconut for fat.
  • After dinner, I had a banana with almond butter, and then kept eating almond butter - need to stop that!
No/few cravings today, so that was good. Sugar and nuts are definitely triggers for me to binge, something I will have to be vigilant about on the other side of this exercise.

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