Wednesday, January 23, 2019

MW30 Days 19, 20, 21, 22

Breakfast every day has been a smoothie with almond butter, coconut milk, two bananas. I have added spinach when I have it. Also 2 Tbsp of hemp hearts, at least up until day 22 when I ran out and used chia seeds. It's not the same, so I really need to go to the store!

Lunches - soup and olives/nuts, salads with lots of veggies, olives, and avocado, and the tahini or balsamic dressing.

Dinners - Pretty much the same as lunch. Though Day 21 dinner was a pre-cooked lentil/bean mixture from Trader Joes. I added olives. It was ok, but I should have had some cauliflower rice or something else similar. I did make up some lentil-veggie patties that were superb IMO and ate those on occasion for some extra protein.

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