Saturday, January 5, 2019

MW30 Day 5

Breakfast - Three ghee-fried eggs, 1/2 avocado, leftover roasted veggies, and some butternut squash I had in the freezer. I tried putting some Trader Joe’s Everything But the Bagel seasoning on the squash, but it didn’t quite work, or at least I didn’t like it too much.

Lunch - I made a pretty good curried butternut squash soup with the freezer squash because it was a little stringy. It was really good, I had two bowls! I also had a kale salad with tomatoes and the tahini dressing.

Snacks- I was a little hungrier today, so I had a few snacks. Some pomegranate seeds and a handful of nuts before dinner. After dinner I had an apple with almond butter.

Dinner - trout filet fried in ghee with some garlic, steamed carrots, sautéed kale and tomatoes.

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