Tuesday, January 29, 2019

MW30 Day 23-29

23rd day
Breakfast  - Smoothie: hemp hearts, almond butter, two bananas, coconut milk and spinach

Lunch - potato, sweet potato wedges, 1/2 veggie patty, raw red pepper, carrots, celery, and an avocado with S&P. I wish I had my EBTB seasoning, but I left it at home. Maybe I should get an extra for work.

Dinner - Can't even remember at this point.

The rest of the days are all a blur. Though Breakfast has been consistent.
Lunch and dinner have been mostly kale salads and soup. I made the curried butternut squash soup again, but I ran out of curry powder. It didn't taste quite the same.

One day to go, though I might continue with some parts...

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