Tuesday, January 8, 2019

MW30 Day 7

I've made it a week!

Breakfast - Leftover black eyed peas that need to be eaten. Large handful of almonds, and 1/2 banana that was rejected by the toddler.

Lunch  -  Leftover Japchae and two handfuls of almonds. I was a little hungry around 11:40 so I downed the almonds before.

Dinner - I tried out the Trader Joe's cauliflower gnocci with a tomato sauce I had frozen previously. Also consumed with green peas. I was going to have something else, but I was tired of making stuff and just tired in general. I tried to follow the instructions on the package for the gnocci, but they turned out pretty mushy. I'm going to have to try for a different method to get them soft and warm on the inside and crunchy on the outside.
After dinner I had three handfuls of nuts. Probably not a good idea, but I was a little hungry and it was easy to get/eat.

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