Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Spaghetti with "Meat" Sauce

On our walk to the local cupcake store - that ended up being closed - Ebon and I talked about what to have for dinner and ended up at spaghetti. We also had a package of Trader Joe's soy chorizo, so we opted to go the "red 'meat' sauce" route.

For the most part, I use canned tomatoes for my pasta and pizza sauces. My favorite is the Cento brand crushed/pureed tomatoes because there isn't any added salt or preservatives. For our meal last night, I defrosted two containers of frozen sauces that I had previously made and added the soy chorizo. Super easy!

For my sauce
2 tablespoons olive oil
2-3 cloves of garlic
28 oz can of pureed tomatoes
dried basil
sometimes I throw in some crushed red pepper for a kick

The sauce over angel hair pasta was very hearty, and I liked how it stuck to the noodles. We also had toasted garlic bread and roasted asparagus to round out the meal. Overall, I was happy with the way everything turned out, and I didn't burn the garlic bread which I'll take as a victory any day!

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