Saturday, October 13, 2012

Lazy days

We intended to order up some Thai food on Thursday, but our internet and cable was out so we couldn't look up the menu online.After going to see "Looper"  (complete with popcorn, soda and beer), we re-heated the leftover pizza and ate that up after we got back home. The movie was quite good, I'd recommend going to see it.
Poster from this site.

When Friday night comes, I don't really feel like cooking too much. Our internet was back, so we finally ordered the Thai food we were craving from Tom Yum Koong in Medford. They were pretty busy so it took a while before our food was delivered to us, and it was not super warm once we got it.
Another exiting Friday night in our house!  Also it was supposed to freeze/frost overnight (which it did) and I was too lazy to go to my garden plot to cover the last remaining plants.  I walked by this morning and the basil is done for :(

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