Sunday, October 14, 2012

Food Truck Dinner

Ebon gets regular email updates from Kicka** Cupcakes, so he found out about the Boston Food Truck Throwdown on Saturday:
So after a little hike in the woods at the Middlesex Fells with the pooch and some friends, we decided to check it out.  Wow, there were SOO many people there! Lines for the different trucks snaked around the park and sometimes crossed each other. Ebon works near Dewey Square where there are food trucks there on a regular basis for lunch, so he's had fare from most of the Boston trucks already. The big draw seemed to be what was new - all the trucks from New York and we weren't immune to their novelty. We decided to divide and conquer. I stood in line for about 45 minutes to get empanadas by Nuchas. and Ebon headed over to get something sweet - waffles from Wafles & Dinges. After guessing the size in terms of the price and seeing other people eat them, I thought that two or three empanadas would be sufficient for dinner. I got us the Portobello, two Spicy Cheese, and Shitake Curry empanadas and a sweet empanada filled with apples cranberry, pear, and nutella. I met up with Ebon still in line for the waffles, and we scarfed down the empanadas before he ordered five (yes five) waffles.
The empanadas were all quite tasty, we both liked the curry empanada the best - it was flavorful and hearty and the curry sauce kept dripping down my fingers. The sweet empanada was also really tasty
The waffles were also quite good, they have two different kinds of waffles, a "crusty" type and a "soft" type. I think he got two "crusty"- one with maple syrup and one with chocolate; and three "soft"- one with strawberries, one with bananas, and one with speculoos spread and whipped cream. That was my first introduction to speculoos spread and I'm hooked! It is a gingerbread-based cookie paste, and that is what it tastes like too. Supposedly Trader Joes had this back in April, so I'm going to have to go check and see if they have any. I also found a recipe for it that I'll have to try out. After all the waffles had been consumed, I pulled out the sweet empanada, and I really enjoyed it. I thought the dough was a bit chewy, but the filling was an excellent mix of tart and sweet.  If you can't tell, I like that combo. It had gotten pretty cold once the sun went down, so we retreated to the warmth of the subway and headed back home, with a quick stop at Flat Top Johnny's to play darts and pool.
How is the food truck scene near you? Any delectable food not seen in a restaurant?

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