Thursday, October 11, 2012

Butternut Squash Mac and Cheese

I made this recipe for Butternut Squash Mac and Cheese last night . I thought I had made it before, but I can't seem to remember (one of the main reasons why I'm writing this blog). I had a butternut squash from last week's CSA share to use up, so I thought it was perfect.

I did change it slightly and substitute a few items a bit.

Since we are vegetarians, I omitted the bacon. Instead of frying the onions, I threw them into the milk with the butternut squash. I'm a bit lazy and one more pan to wash was not my idea of a good time last night. Also with regard to the onion, the recipe calls for 2, but I used 1/2 a medium onion that was left over from our MNF pizza.

Instead of the Gruyere cheese, I used fontina (also left from the pizza) and cheddar - and probably a little more than it called for too ~9 or 10 oz - we like it cheesy! 
The recipe calls for 12oz of pasta, but I just cooked all of my one pound package.
I added some black pepper once the milk/squash mix was thickened.

Overall it was pretty good, I think it needed a little kick. I always enjoy Tabasco on my mac and cheese, and it definitely gave it that kick. Maybe I'll add some cayenne pepper next time.
Anyone have any good bok choy recipes? The CSA delivery keeps piling them on!

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