Monday, May 9, 2016

W30 Reintro, week 2

Things have been going mostly the same.

Peanuts - not agreeing with me at the moment.
I didn't have any trouble with a Morningstar black bean burger last night, so that was good to know.

I had some trouble with refried beans, or on further reflection, it could have been the corn tortilla that I ate it on too. They tasted good going down, but I had some pretty severe stomach discomfort a few hours later. I also had a bad migraine which I think was more from my cycle than from food.

Domino's pizza also doesn't agree with me. Not sure if it's the crust or the cheese, but my stomach is
in knots after eating it.

The corn tortilla chips gave me a bit of trouble on Sunday. I thought they were ok based on previous, meals but after eating my salad, having chips and salsa was the only thing that made my stomach a bit pained. At dinner, I had bread, batard from Wegmans, and a muffin from my failed muffin attempt, and after both, I felt just fine. This is both dangerous and good news!

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