Friday, December 11, 2020

Recent baking adventures

 Here’s a list of things I have baked recently...

We got another box of peaches and I made peach pie, cobbler and crisp. I much preferred the crisp. I think I probably need to up my pie crust game.

For some reason, I can’t find the pie recipe, but no loss, because I would not want to make it again.

Fall apples and cider mean apple cider donuts-

Another bread maker recipe, this time for cottage bread  -

Coffee cake, I it may have been user error, but I thought the layers were too separate and the sweet was only concentrated in the streusel part-

The kids saw something on Daniel Tiger that was made. I tracked down a recipe and made some. They seem to be fairly healthy and they tasted that way too. I wouldn’t mind making it again for the kids.

This is a great framework for making muesli

This isn’t baking, but definitely a treat. I tried this ice cream recipe and it was very rich. The kids didn’t like it at all.p, but I enjoyed it. I won’t make it again tho

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