Friday, December 11, 2020

Italian dressing

 Used this recipe to make Italian dressing

Preserving our harvest 2020

 This year, I was a little better about picking the cherry tomatoes and I needed a way to preserve them. I found a couple recipes that were pretty similar and I used them both. Now in dec, all our frozen tomatoes have been used up already 😩

I also grew jalapeños. Someone in my dinner group said she really enjoyed pickled jalapeños, so I found this recipe and both E and I have really enjoyed them. Probably not the best thing to do, but I have some frozen jalapeños that I slice up and add to the jar when there’s room.

Recent baking adventures

 Here’s a list of things I have baked recently...

We got another box of peaches and I made peach pie, cobbler and crisp. I much preferred the crisp. I think I probably need to up my pie crust game.

For some reason, I can’t find the pie recipe, but no loss, because I would not want to make it again.

Fall apples and cider mean apple cider donuts-

Another bread maker recipe, this time for cottage bread  -

Coffee cake, I it may have been user error, but I thought the layers were too separate and the sweet was only concentrated in the streusel part-

The kids saw something on Daniel Tiger that was made. I tracked down a recipe and made some. They seem to be fairly healthy and they tasted that way too. I wouldn’t mind making it again for the kids.

This is a great framework for making muesli

This isn’t baking, but definitely a treat. I tried this ice cream recipe and it was very rich. The kids didn’t like it at all.p, but I enjoyed it. I won’t make it again tho

Punjabi-style black lentils and Aloo mattar and curry powder

 I followed this recipe from Smitten kitchen ( ) when trying to make a Dal makhani, this was before my recipe find after Diwali. I thought it was ok, but I liked the second iteration/other recipe better.

My first attempt at aloo mattar was with this recipe, I thought it was ok, but I also preferred my second attempt better.

I don’t think I needed it for either recipe, but something I made called for curry powder I didn’t have, so I used this recipe to whip some up-

Roasted potatoes

 In another, this is probably not worth writing a recipe, but it was what I found when trying to find something to make with the potatoes E grew (they are small). I found this recipe for roasting potatoes in butter ( E liked it and so did I.

Indian take out at home

 Since the closest Indian restaurant is at least 50 miles away, I have been trying to make my own. Some tries have been more successful than others. The night after Diwali, I made a feast, and it was mostly for me and E, since the kids don’t really like it too much.

I made aloo mattar, not in the instant pot this time-

Dal makhani, in the instant pot-

Chole palak, I used frozen kale because that’s what I had  -

and naan -

I thought everything was wonderful. I really like the website I found for most of the recipes. The Dal makhani was a little more soupy than I wanted, but maybe it’s more authentic that way? 🤷🏼‍♀️ 

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Thanksgiving 2020

 I made Thanksgiving dinner for just our immediate family this year. I started cooking on Wednesday evening, resumed Thursday morning and cooked all through the day.  The kids helped quite a bit and I had a lot of fun with it.

Menu included -

Vegan seitan roast which I made from scratch since we couldn't find a pre-made tofurkey roast.

Mashed potatoes


Cranberry sauce

Roasted Brussels sprouts with maple glaze

Pecan and chocolate pie

Recent cooking adventures

 Vegan lentil loaf from Oh She Glows-

Drunken Beans/Borracho beans from Rancho Gordo. I think I used pinto or Eye of the Goat -

Jamie Oliver's veggie burger. This was ok, but still a little mushy.

Used this recipe in the summer for garlic scape pesto. I remember it being pretty good.

Made these green beans to accompany a tofu stir fry:

I  have been working on making"take-out" at home. This was mentioned in my dinner FB group, so I thought I would try. I used lemon bc that's what I had on hand. Everyone else did not like it but I thought it was ok. Definitely a different flavor from a restaurant.

These sauteed zucchini almost don't need a recipe, but they were delicious:

I think I had a lot of cabbage, so I made this slaw. It was ok, but I think I prefer a creamier dressing.

I tried making a bread machine challah. I didn't like how it turned out, but I still ate it ...