Thursday, March 31, 2016

Whole30 Day Four

  • Breakfast was three eggs fried, garlicky spinach, half a sweet potato this time, and half an avocado. Also some fruit leftover from last night. Still pretty full, so maybe the half sweet potato is better for me.
  • Lunch is leftover meatballs, mashed potatoes and gravy and some broccoli that I cooked in the microwave at work. Also a hard boiled egg.
  • Dinner was tomato sauce with leftover "meat"balls over spaghetti squash  with broiled asparagus for me and garlic bread for Leela. Ebon got Lasagna at Mikes!
I think I need to eat less, because I just feel so full all the time. Maybe this is normal, and I'm glad I'm full vs starving, but I don't like the way full feels all the time either.

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