Thursday, June 6, 2019

Belated MW30 close out update

I'm  quite a bit past day 30, so I’m behind on this update.

Overall, it went pretty good and I would call it a success. I didn’t eat eggs, but I did eat beans, lentil and soy/tofu.

I lost about five pounds. I was hoping to loose a little more, but understood that the modifications I made probably affected the weight loss.

I had some digestion issues most of the W30, but I wasn't sure if it was related to the egg thing or something else. I felt pretty good, slept ok, and had good energy, but I felt about the same before too.

I continued on without eating added sugar for quite some time, and tried to continue on my weight-loss journey with Weight Watchers (or as it's now branded WW). After some time with that and "being able to eat what I want," my sugar/processed flour addiction has returned. I need to reconsider this or figure out a better way to control it.

At the end of the last one I said I wouldn't do another one, but here I am. I might do another modified W30 to help reset my sugar addiction, but probably won't for a while.

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