Sunday, August 25, 2024

Peach cobbler and crisp

 I made these two recipes.  the kids wanted the crisp and the cobbler for me.


This needed a little more sugar, probably in the peaches. It was sour for me, so I sprinkled a little more white sugar on top.

Cobbler -

The flavor of this was good, but I tried to make it gluten free and failed pretty bad. I used Bob's Red Mill AP flour, almond flour, and a little zucchini flour. I added some Xyanthum gum to try to get it to stick together, maybe it needed an egg or two, as well. However, it crisped on the top, but underneath was a gooey mess. A tasty gooey mess, but a mess nonetheless.

I might try this again but with all AP or 1:1 GF flour.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Peach Salsa

Made as described, but I only had half a lime and dried coriander and added some corn.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Peanut butter frosting

 I used this recipe for frosting L's chocolate birthday cake

Very simple and turned out great 

Serviceberry fruit leather

 I made fruit leather with this recipe

Wasn't a fan of the seeds, so I tried using the food mill. That turned out to be more work than it was worth. 

Non meatloaf

 I made a version of a meatloaf while L was away at camp because she really doesn't like it.

I made another version last night. I think I turned out pretty good 

2 medium carrots, chopped 

1 small onion chopped 

1-2 ribs of celery chopped 

1-2 cloves garlic chopped 

2 Tbsp olive oil 

2 Tbsp tomato paste 

2 Cups cooked kidney beans 

1 cup cooked small white beans

1-1.5 Cups cooked quinoa 

Sage about 4 large leaves

Thyme about 8 sprigs, leaves stripped 

Oregano about 1-2 Tbsp finely chopped 

Salt about 1/2 tsp or to taste 


About 1/4 cup flaxseed ground or flaxseed meal 

Saute the onion, garlic carrots and celery in the oil. When soft transfer to a food processor to chop into a paste. Add beans to food processor.

Transfer to a bowl to mix in the quinoa, herbs, salt pepper, and flaxseed meal. Let sit for 5 minutes while you prepare the loaf pan (spray with oil) and preheat the oven to 425. Bake for 25-30 minutes or until browning on the top.

It was still a little mushy, but mostly kept it's shape.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Scandinavian seeds crackers

I miss all the good gluten free crackers from Norway. I think I found the wasa crackers, but have not been able to find the seed crackers. 
So I used this recipe:
But I wanted more flaxseed, so I doubled it. I also used about a 1/4 c ground flaxseed as the binder instead of psyllium.
One sheet pan was not enough, because it was a little too thick. 
This turned out ok in flavor, but not what I was going for and it was not the right consistency - it just crumbled. Will try again...


I made this recipe :

I modified to have less sesame and more flaxseed, and that seemed to be a lot more like the Norwegian crackers from this summer. I didn't have chia, so added flax meal.

Next will try this too:

Monday, July 22, 2024

Pumpkin pie Smoothie

Good to use up some frozen pumpkin 

Will try to add some help seeds next time 

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

GF strawberry rhubarb crisp

 I made this on Leela's request. I used a 9x13 pan and added more strawberry and rhubarb. I probably should have added more topping, but overall, Leela and I enjoyed it.

GF Rabarbrakake

 I made this rhubarb cake using Bob's Red Mill 1:1 flour. I really liked it because it wasn't too sweet

Monday, May 27, 2024

GF Sour Cream Coffee Cake

 With all the baked goods recently, I wanted to make something that I could eat. There was also some sour cream that needed to be used. I was very happy how it turned out. I will plan to make it to bring to work for our weekly donut day.

R's Birthday cake 2024

R drew me a picture of a cake he wanted for his birthday. It was quite an elaborate three-layer cake with three different flavors inside.

Lemon on the bottom, chocolate in the middle and red velvet on the top. 

Because I didn't want to do everything at once and at the last minute, I made one layer at a time and froze each one to make assembly much easier 

I used half this recipe for a 9" cake pan for the bottom lemon layer

I used half this recipe for a 9" cake pan for the top red velvet layer

I also used the frosting recipe for the outside of the cake. 

I had some whipped chocolate ganache that also went between the chocolate layer and the red velvet layer.

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Chickpea Burgers

I made this burger -

It was very dry, even after I added a flax egg. I used zucchini flour, maybe that was why?? The flavor was fairly bland, so I will try something else.

I want to try this one next:

Sunday, May 5, 2024

Seeds and cheese crackers

Pretty easy, used cheddar and parmesan cheese and sunflower, sesame, flax seeds. Turned out great but I Will try as written next time.

Monday, April 29, 2024

Mushroom lentil loaf

I always struggle to find something to eat with mashed potatoes and for me, lentil loaf is a no- brainer. The rest of the family has other thoughts though.

This recipe turned out pretty good and only one gave it a thumbs down. The other two asked for second helpings, so I take it as a good sign.

In terms of content I made a few substitutions and left some other things out because I didn't read the recipe that closely.

I threw all the veggies and (eventually) the nuts in the food processor to get the pieces small. I find it makes for a better texture.

I reduced the carrots to 2, skipped the bread crumbs to make it gluten free, skipped the sunflower seeds and toasted the walnuts, and skipped the balsamic glaze for preference.

I used 2 tablespoons of ground flax. I mixed the ground flax into the sauteed veggies so I didn't need to add more water.

I used a mix of red lentils and split mung dal because that's what I had on hand. I didn't need to smash them after cooking since they just broke down.

After everything was precooked, I mixed it together with the chickpea flour and put it into two loaf pans that were coated with olive oil.

I didn't use as many herbs as the recipe called for and it definitely needed more flavor. So I will add more next time.

Also could do to add some more salt and pepper.

Overall, this will be my new go to lentil loaf recipe and I even have in the freezer for later.

Saturday, April 20, 2024

Potato Waffles

 I made this for dinner when everyone else was having regular flour waffles.

I used chives in place of onions, garlic powder instead of fresh, and arrowroot flour instead of wheat.

I think they turned out great!

Monday, April 15, 2024

Falafel using canned beans

Made this for A&C. Used half mint and half cilantro. Omitted the ground coriander cause I couldn't find it. I didn't need any flour either.

I just made the balls and put them in a container to freeze 

Sunday, April 14, 2024

GF latkes

Thai green curry

 I made this a couple times with a green curry paste I found at the Asian market. I'm not sure if I will be able to find it again, but I will try.

The first time I used tempeh, but E doesn't really like it. I didn't care for it either. I've read that if it's steamed it might be better. I'll have to try that next time. The second time I used tofu and it turned out much better.

Each time I used half of the can.

Strawberry ice cream

R really likes strawberry ice cream and milk. We got an entire half gallon of strawberry milk, so I used some to make ice cream. It turned out pretty good! I definitely need to remember to start the ice cream machine before pouring in the liquid.

New baby Freezer meals

I made some freezer meals for A&C

 Vegan baked pasta

Vegan black bean and zucchini enchiladas 

I sorta winged it but I used these two recipes as a guide 

Filling -

I used a whole onion, but probably could have used a half, also 3 garlic cloves, a roasted red pepper added cumin and oregano after sauteing the onions and garlic. I also sprinkled a tablespoon of nutritional yeast.

Sauce -

Used some regular chili powder and chipotle chili powder, along with a little cumin and oregano.

Saturday, April 13, 2024

Maple Brown sugar cookies

Made these for A&C. I originally wanted to make plain sugar cookies, but they were out of white sugar, so I pivoted to this. I left out the nuts in the cookies and didn't bother with the frosting. They both seem to like them, so I'll call it a win. 

Slow Cooker White beans

Since my family doesn't like beans, I brought the fancy Royal Corona beans to A&C's. I followed the recipe and added some roasted red peppers, because they have a huge Costco jar on hand. I also threw in a pinch of nutritional yeast for a vegan cheesy flavor. We ate this over some brown rice. It turned out great!

Update using an instant pot. I started with 28 minutes on high, but needed to add  5 more minutes as well as cooking on saute to reduce down the liquid. Or instead, use less water to start with. I think the red peppers added a lot of flavor, so I will try to include it next time. I have another 1/2 pound of royal Corona beans to use.

2nd time making it in the IP. 32 min on HP, NR. Used some red peppers. 3 cups of water instead of the 4 and fresh tomatoes from the garden. Since I had so many tomatoes, I could have used less water still. Though the beans weren't done yet either. After the NR, I did slow cook on hi for 4 hours. It was still more watery than I wanted, so I put it on saute to reduce the liquid by about 2 cups. The beans kept cooking through the remaining time and were perfect.

Gluten free blueberry bread

 Made this for A, C, and myself. It was really delicious!

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Gluten free pizza dough

I tried there two different recipes


I preferred the GFOAS recipe because it actually rose, but they were both quite heavy and chewy. For reference, I had a gluten sensitive crust from pizza ranch, and it was light and fluffy, but also crisp on the outside.