Sunday, August 25, 2024

Peach cobbler and crisp

 I made these two recipes.  the kids wanted the crisp and the cobbler for me.


This needed a little more sugar, probably in the peaches. It was sour for me, so I sprinkled a little more white sugar on top.

Cobbler -

The flavor of this was good, but I tried to make it gluten free and failed pretty bad. I used Bob's Red Mill AP flour, almond flour, and a little zucchini flour. I added some Xyanthum gum to try to get it to stick together, maybe it needed an egg or two, as well. However, it crisped on the top, but underneath was a gooey mess. A tasty gooey mess, but a mess nonetheless.

I might try this again but with all AP or 1:1 GF flour.

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