Sunday, January 31, 2021

Blueberry Buttermilk Loaf

 One of our milks went sour a little early, so I made pancakes on Saturday and Sunday morning I decided to use up a bit more with a buttermilk-based quick bread. I found this recipe as a starting point, but I made quite a few modifications.

I doubled the recipe to use up more milk. Instead of the eggs, I used 4 of the numerous bananas that became too ripe and went into the freezer (thawed out of course). Because of the bananas, I reduced both the butter and sugar to 3/4 cup and 1.5 cups, respectively. Because of the subs and probably because I forgot to remove the pizza stone, it took about one hour and 10 minutes.

It turned out pretty good. Definitely not too sweet. The texture is a little gummy, but maybe that will help it stay moist. I will freeze one loaf for later. We'll see how it comes out then.

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