Monday, March 30, 2015

Indian Summer Stew: Butternut Squash, Coconut, and Lentil Stew

I had the ingredients for this Butternut Squash, Coconut, and Lentil Stew laying around and decided to make it.
I was a little confused about when to add the tempered spices - I added it before the split peas were done, but it still turned out pretty good. I didn't have a roma tomato, so I used about a cup of tomato sauce that was in the freezer. I also added about a cup of frozen green peas for our pea-loving munchkin. I did think it took a bit longer than the recipe says to cook the yellow split peas/lentils.
I liked the flavors. It was subtly sweet because of the squash, coconut and sugar, but I think that highlighted the spices - turmeric, cumin, mustard, and chili. We had it with rice and Ebon didn't eat a ton, but Leela liked it - at least the first time. She wasn't a fan of leftovers the next day.

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