Monday, March 30, 2015

Indian Summer Stew: Butternut Squash, Coconut, and Lentil Stew

I had the ingredients for this Butternut Squash, Coconut, and Lentil Stew laying around and decided to make it.
I was a little confused about when to add the tempered spices - I added it before the split peas were done, but it still turned out pretty good. I didn't have a roma tomato, so I used about a cup of tomato sauce that was in the freezer. I also added about a cup of frozen green peas for our pea-loving munchkin. I did think it took a bit longer than the recipe says to cook the yellow split peas/lentils.
I liked the flavors. It was subtly sweet because of the squash, coconut and sugar, but I think that highlighted the spices - turmeric, cumin, mustard, and chili. We had it with rice and Ebon didn't eat a ton, but Leela liked it - at least the first time. She wasn't a fan of leftovers the next day.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Lentil and Sweet-Potato Stew

Another meal I'm making for someone else! This Lentil and Sweet Potato stew caught my eye while looking for a vegetable stew to make for a friend. I had some sweet potatoes I needed to use and wanted to include beans or lentils to make the stew hearty.
My modifications were to use a large parsnip instead of the carrots and instead of the green beans and diced tomatoes I didn't have, I just used a cup of frozen green peas and a cup of crushed tomatoes.
The curry powder I used came from India. My sister got it for me on her honeymoon and it's the first time I'm using it. It is labeled Maharaja Curry. I'm not exactly sure what region she got it in, but it really added a lot of flavor to the stew.
Overall this turned out pretty good, but I would definitely use the diced tomatoes next time.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Aloo Gobi

I made this Aloo Gobi/Cauliflower and Potato dish the other night. Of course I modified it, but I was really happy with how it turned out. Ebon on the other hand, didn't like it as much. I think he prefers Indian food that has more of a gravy/sauce.
My modifications, I opted not to make the ginger/garlic paste and used dried ginger instead with some water and a few cloves of smashed garlic.
If I were to make this again, I'd cut the potatoes a little bigger and I think I'd use/make the ginger garlic paste. After looking at more of the recipes from the Food Network's star's show I think I'll make it soon for some other dishes.