Tuesday, September 30, 2014


Last night we had quesadillas for dinner. Ebon suggested it after his nightly request for Pizza, and I thought it was a great idea!
I used the largest burrito tortillas which became problematic when trying to flip the quesadilla. The tortillas fit in our largest frying pan-barely, but trying to turn it over without spilling everything required using 2 plates. Even with my aids, I folded and spilled the tortilla and it's contents, respectively. As I said, it wasn't pretty, but it was delicious!

2 tortillas
3 green onions, chopped-white and green parts separated
1/2 red pepper, chopped (CSA)
2 medium tomatillos, chopped (CSA)
1/2 16oz can of black beans or ~1cup cooked
1-1.5 cups cheddar cheese shredded

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