Saturday, September 20, 2014

Green Smoothie

I love me a good Green smoothie, generally, I use whatever I have on hand, but it usually starts with a frozen banana or two, orange juice and some kind of green - usually chard, spinach or kale.
After much experimenting, I do prefer kale, but if I use chard, i remove almost all of the stem/rib. Otherwise, I think it tastes too "earthy" and sometimes it can be a bit chewy/stringy/fibrous.

bunch of chard
2 frozen bananas
1/2 a peach
1/2 cup frozen blueberries
enough orange juice to get the blender going
few tablespoons of flax seeds.

Since we have Popsicle makers now, I'm going to have to come up with some good smoothies to make into pops!

I could also add yogurt to amp up the protein and calcium!

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