Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Peach and Blueberry Cobbler

We had some peaches that had to be used so I asked some friends what I could make with 5+ peaches. Someone sent me this Peach Cobbler Recipe. I thought it had a lot of sugar, but I decided to try it anyway.
Putting it together was pretty easy - no stirring :) I also added some blueberries, probably about 1/2 cup or so, since I didn't think I had quite enough peaches (I removed the skins and pits).
It turned out pretty good. It was sweet enough and all that sugar made the dough/cobbler part nice and crispy. The cinnamon and nutmeg add good flavors. I might add some almond extract to the cobbler part next time, but I would definitely make this again, unless I find an equally tasty replacement that uses less butter and sugar.

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