Thursday, April 11, 2013

Baked Mashed Potato and Vegetable Omelet

I made this for dinner tonight!

When I got home I was super tired and didn't feel like cooking, but I also wasn't in the mood for leftovers in the fridge (Chinese food).
I make fritattas fairly frequently, but I wasn't in the mood for full-on fried potatoes. After some searching on my favorite recipe site,, I found a few options and  the Baked Mashed Potato and Vegetable Omelet won out.

The veggies I used were onions, garlic, about 1/4 of a red pepper, half of a zuchinni, and 4-5 white mushrooms chopped up. I made the mashed potatoes with the last of our bulk potatoes from Red Fire Farm, butter and Greek yogurt that was way to sour to eat on its own (it wasn't spoiled, but a new brand I had never tried - it was a fail). I also added a little cheddar cheese - Ebon's favorite. I used rosemary instead of parsley because it was what was on hand and our rosemary plant needed a trim.

The flavors turned out great, but the texture was all wrong. It was just a little too mushy. Maybe if I used a bigger pan and allowed the omelet to get a little crispier, it would have been better. I won't make it again.

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