Sunday, August 25, 2024

Peach cobbler and crisp

 I made these two recipes.  the kids wanted the crisp and the cobbler for me.


This needed a little more sugar, probably in the peaches. It was sour for me, so I sprinkled a little more white sugar on top.

Cobbler -

The flavor of this was good, but I tried to make it gluten free and failed pretty bad. I used Bob's Red Mill AP flour, almond flour, and a little zucchini flour. I added some Xyanthum gum to try to get it to stick together, maybe it needed an egg or two, as well. However, it crisped on the top, but underneath was a gooey mess. A tasty gooey mess, but a mess nonetheless.

I might try this again but with all AP or 1:1 GF flour.

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Peach Salsa

Made as described, but I only had half a lime and dried coriander and added some corn.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Peanut butter frosting

 I used this recipe for frosting L's chocolate birthday cake

Very simple and turned out great 

Serviceberry fruit leather

 I made fruit leather with this recipe

Wasn't a fan of the seeds, so I tried using the food mill. That turned out to be more work than it was worth. 

Non meatloaf

 I made a version of a meatloaf while L was away at camp because she really doesn't like it.

I made another version last night. I think I turned out pretty good 

2 medium carrots, chopped 

1 small onion chopped 

1-2 ribs of celery chopped 

1-2 cloves garlic chopped 

2 Tbsp olive oil 

2 Tbsp tomato paste 

2 Cups cooked kidney beans 

1 cup cooked small white beans

1-1.5 Cups cooked quinoa 

Sage about 4 large leaves

Thyme about 8 sprigs, leaves stripped 

Oregano about 1-2 Tbsp finely chopped 

Salt about 1/2 tsp or to taste 


About 1/4 cup flaxseed ground or flaxseed meal 

Saute the onion, garlic carrots and celery in the oil. When soft transfer to a food processor to chop into a paste. Add beans to food processor.

Transfer to a bowl to mix in the quinoa, herbs, salt pepper, and flaxseed meal. Let sit for 5 minutes while you prepare the loaf pan (spray with oil) and preheat the oven to 425. Bake for 25-30 minutes or until browning on the top.

It was still a little mushy, but mostly kept it's shape.

Monday, July 29, 2024

Scandinavian seeds crackers

I miss all the good gluten free crackers from Norway. I think I found the wasa crackers, but have not been able to find the seed crackers. 
So I used this recipe:
But I wanted more flaxseed, so I doubled it. I also used about a 1/4 c ground flaxseed as the binder instead of psyllium.
One sheet pan was not enough, because it was a little too thick. 
This turned out ok in flavor, but not what I was going for and it was not the right consistency - it just crumbled. Will try again...


I made this recipe :

I modified to have less sesame and more flaxseed, and that seemed to be a lot more like the Norwegian crackers from this summer. I didn't have chia, so added flax meal.

Next will try this too:

Monday, July 22, 2024

Pumpkin pie Smoothie

Good to use up some frozen pumpkin 

Will try to add some help seeds next time