Thursday, June 4, 2020

This NYT recipe was a great reason to use up some Ranch Gordo white beans. At this point, I can’t remember what kind I used, but probably some royal Coronas or the Marcellas.
I remember that I was the only person in my family who liked it, but this is not unusual for the bean dishes I make. I probably won’t make this one again though.

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Serious Eats pizza dough

I tried another pizza dough recipe in hopes that it would be the one. This time, the Serious Eats pizza dough was ok. I think I wasn’t able to get it thin enough, so it was pretty doughy in the middle. The quest for the perfect pizza dough continues!

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Gluten free granola

I said I would make some gluten free granola for my coworker. I didn’t have a whole lot of the gf oats, so I found a small batch recipe and used it. It was a little different from my usual recipe, but I liked it and more importantly, so did my coworker.

Monday, June 1, 2020

Cheesy Squash “breadsticks”

I used this recipe when trying to find something to use up too many yellow did not come out very good. I choked a couple down, and the kids refused to try them. I would definitely call this attempt a flop.