Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Bread Salad with Sweet Peppers and Onions

I signed up on MealTrain to make a meal for another friend who just had a baby. Having just had a party, we had some leftovers that needed to be used up. I found a Bread Salad recipe that was just the ticket.
Since it's not really grilling season, I cut up a red pepper, an orange pepper, and a white onion (what I had on hand) in large chunks, tossed them in a bowl with olive oil and roasted them in the oven on a baking sheet. I made seasoned croutons from a baguette by tossing cubed bread in a bowl with olive oil, some salt, pepper, dried oregano, and garlic powder and then adding those to the oven on another baking sheet.
I put everything together according to the recipe, but excluded the chives since I didn't have any on hand and didn't add the bread since I was making this ahead of time. I also added some sun-dried tomatoes, kalamata olives, and pre-cooked, sweet Italian-style chicken sausages cut up in chunks to give the meal a little more heft.
I really liked the dressing/spices that were added it gave it a unique flavor - from my little taste-test.
The family told me that they liked the meal - so yay!

Couscous Salad with Dates and Almonds

I made this salad for a friend who can't cook at the moment. I thought it turned out awesome - of the little I had to taste test. I added some sun dried tomatoes that I had on hand, but otherwise followed the recipe.
I included a couple bags of spinach for them too, so they could have a hearty lunch salad.

I would love to make this for me/us, but since it has couscous in it, Ebon won't even touch it - booo.