Thursday, March 7, 2013

Pumpkin Mac and Cheese

Last night, I didn't feel like cooking much, and the items I planned last week, I hadn't fully shopped for. So we were lacking a few ingredients.  So I did what I often do - use what's on hand.

~2 cups of uncooked pasta, I had about 1 cup of shells and 1 cup of spiral pasta, like this. Both worked well to hold onto the heavy sauce.

enough water to cook the pasta.

After the pasta has cooked to al dente, drain the water.

Add ~2 tablespoons of butter
1/3 cup of milk
12 oz of Velveeta cheese in 1/2" cubes
~2 oz cheddar cheese in 1/4" cubes
cook on low or medium low heat while the cheese melts
Add in 2 cups of pureed pumpkin
pepper to taste
~1/2 teaspoon marjoram
~1/2 teaspoon thyme

This came together pretty fast, and ended up tasting pretty good. The pumpkin and Velveeta together turned out to be very creamy.

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